Connective tissue is often referred to as scar tissue. The healing rate varies from person to person, but on average, after four weeks the connective tissues have reached 60% strength. After six weeks they are at 80% strength and within 12 weeks their strength will be 100%.

If you’ve had a fusion (or replacement), the average recovery period is six to twelve months. Full bone healing takes up to 12 month. In most cases, neck surgery involves a spinal fusion. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions. The figures are estimates. It may take you longer precio de operación de hernia discal or less time to recover. It is normal to take longer than others to recover.

The minimally invasive surgical procedure may allow more comfort and a quicker return to normal function. In some cases, the wound may be smaller and spinal biomechanics less disrupted. The rate of healing connective tissues is the same. You may find that some of these time frames for returning to normal activity are reduced as you feel better.

The healing process will be slowed by other medical conditions like diabetes. To maximize your recovery, and to help you avoid future complications, it is important that these healing timeframes are kept in mind while increasing physical activities. You should not overdo your physical activity just because you do not feel pain. Reconsider what you did in the previous days if your back or leg symptoms return. In the beginning, reducing your activity can help symptoms settle. Please consult your doctor if the symptoms continue even with rest.

It is an activity with low loads that can be done by most people. Make sure you are wearing good, supportive shoes. Wear shoes with good support (e.g. During the first two week after your surgery you might need help putting on your running shoes. Gradually increase the speed of your walk. Try to avoid hills in the beginning. Table below provides a general walking guideline. However, it may vary from person to person. You can discuss any issues you might have about the walking program with your physiotherapist.

After your surgery, you should begin exercising in the swimming pool 10 to 14 day after the operation. (When the wound is healed). The benefits of exercising in the pool include reducing joint load (due the buoyancy effect), relaxing muscle tension, increasing cardiovascular fitness, improving spinal mobility and strengthening muscles. Starting with gentle water walking.

Then you can move on to gentle squats or cycling leg movements, as well as sideways, and backwards. Another option is to stand in the pool and move your arms around in any direction while keeping your body still. From three to four week after surgery, you may begin doing 10 backstroke and freestyle laps. Breast-stroke must be avoided in the first three month.

Restriction should be placed on overhead lifting or anything above shoulder height, especially after neck surgery or an upper back operation. The discs of the neck are put under pressure by overhead lifting. Shoulder muscles also attach to the neck which is attempting to heal. You shouldn’t hang heavy or awkward items out on the clothesline for the first 6 weeks. Avoid lifting heavy pots and pans to the top of overhead cupboards during this six-week period.

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